Facility Guide

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jsu ms veterans memorial hospital

Fans are permitted to bring banners to Stadium events. Banners must be in good taste and cannot contain any type of advertising. All banners must be placed in a stationary position prior to the start of events and cannot obstruct the view of others. 

Beverages or beverage containers are prohibited from entering the Stadium for safety reasons. Baby bottles, baby food jars, and other similar items used by infants must be checked by security prior to entering the gates. 

Still and video cameras are permitted as long as they do not block the view of other patrons. 

Carry-in Items
COOLERS, UMBRELLAS, BACKPACKS, OR LARGE BAGS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE STADIUM. ALL BAGS AND PURSES ARE SUBJECT TO SEARCH. Carried items are limited based on a size restriction of 12"x12"x12" and at the discretion of event staff. 

Age limit on free admission varies from each event. For more information, please contact the Stadium office at 601-354-6021. For JSU's football games, FREE ADMISSION for Ages 5 and under.

Concessions stands are located at ramps 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23 and 24. 

Disabled Guests 
ADA Accessible parking is off of State Street at BackYard Burger on to North Stadium Drive. Follow ADA Accessible parking signs. 

First Aid Station 
First aid stations are located at ramps 12, 17 and 21. 

Handicap Information
ADA Accessible entrances is located on north side of the Stadium, ADA Accessible parking is located in the North (General parking lot). 

In case of an emergency 
If a situation arises that requires evacuation of the Stadium, we request your cooperation and assistance to exit the Stadium in an orderly manner. Once an event announcement has been given, please proceed to the nearest exit. In the case of a weather situation, please seek immediate shelter. 

Leaving Stadium
No person is allowed to remain in the Stadium more than one hour after the conclusion of the event. 

Leaving Parking Lot
No person is allowed to remain in the Stadium Parking Lot more than two hours after the conclusion of the event. RV/Tailgating Lot must be cleared by 10:00 am day after event.  All vehicles and tailgaters utilizing Farmer's Market Lot, must vacate by 11:30 pm on event day.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

Lost and Found 
Please contact an officer during the event, or refer all located articles and children to the Home Side First Aid Station located at the South side of Ramp 4 and 5. To learn if an item has been recovered, call 601-354-6021 the day after the event. 

Parking Lot Activities 
Sports balls, riding on scooters, skateboards, or roller blades in the parking lot is dangerous and annoying to other fans and all are prohibited. Four wheelers, motorized scooters, etc. are also strictly prohibited.  However, Golf carts are allowed in the Tailgate Lot only.  Only JSU Event Staff are allowed to utilize golf carts on the Stadium Circle on Event Day. Any violaters will be subject to be remove from premises and fined.   The reselling of tickets or selling of any merchandise items is not allowed in the parking lots. Vehicles left in the parking lots, other than the tailgate lots, overnight may be towed. Laws pertaining to the consumption of alcohol will be strictly enforced. 

Parking Lot Opening Time 
All gates to the Stadium Parking Lot open at 8:00 A.M. and Tailgating will open at 6:00 A.M. on event days. For additional information call 601-354-6021. 

Parking Passes
VIP Parking Passes for the 2021 Fall Season are available-contact our stadium office @ 601-354-6021

  • Lot B - $ 45 per JSU Game
  • Lot C - $ 40 per JSU Game
  • Lot D - $ 45 per JSU Game
  • Lot H - $ 45 per JSU Game
  • RV Tailgating - $ 125 per day per spot (20'x40')CLICK HERE FOR TAILGATING GUIDELINES
  • Tailgating - $ 100 per day per spot (20' x 20') - CLICK HERE FOR PARKING MAP IN PDF
  • Grove Tailgating - $75 event day only, $100 with trailer Not Available
  • Chartered Buses - $175 per JSU Game
    • (Excluding School Buses)
  • Bus Tailgating - $ 275.00 per JSU Game
  • Other Events Parking may vary, contact stadium office Monday - Friday 601.354.6021.

Please reserve your spot, for more information, please contact our office at 601.354.6021

Pass Outs 

Rest Rooms 
Women's rest rooms are located at ramps 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 23 and 24. Men's rest rooms are located at ramps 3, 4, 6, 13, 14, 20 and 22. 

Sidewalk Activities 
Prior approval from the Stadium General Manager is required to pass out literature or collect signatures. The sale of food, beverages, and novelties by any person other than the Stadium tenant is not allowed. 

Stadium Gates Opening Time 
The Stadium gates open two hours prior to event start. Times may be subject to change, call Stadium office at 601-354-6021. 

Smoking is prohibited inside the gated area of the Stadium including concourse and seated area.

Stadium Ticket Office hours are (in the east end zone under Big Scoreboard)  9:00 A.M. -4:00 P.M. Monday - Friday, Saturday or (Event Day) 10:00 A.M.  until, at the North Side Ticket booth. The reselling of tickets is prohibited in the Stadium and parking lots. 

Umbrellas will not be allowed inside the Stadium. 

Will Call 
Players Will Call opens 2 hours before event.
Will Call Ticket Window is located on the South (Home) side of the Stadium.  Tickets purchased through TicketMaster may be picked up at any ticket window beginning at 10:00 am.   

Jackson State University Clear Bag Policy 
Jackson State University® will implement a clear bag policy this year that limits the size and type of bags that may be brought into sporting venues to provide a safer environment for the public and significantly expedite fan entry into stadium. An infocard detailing these policies can be found here. 

jsu veterans memorial stadium clear bag policy