Facility Rental

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jsu ms veterans memorial hospitalFor over 35 notable years, Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium has served as home to some of Mississippi's most highly structure productions ever staged. The versatility of the Stadium, which is owned and operated by Jackson State University allows the facility to be transformed into whatever the imagination desire.

Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium, now known as JSU Stadium has had the privilege to serve as host to many different types of events, including, but not limited to:

  • Special Events
  • Concerts
  • Sporting Events
  • Family Shows
  • Battle of the Bands

Whether you are planning to have an event for 5,000 or 50,000, the above is a testament to the unparalleled versatility of the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium.

For more information contact:

Janelle J. Graham, Stadium Manager
Phone: 601.354.6021
Email: janelle.j.graham@jsums.edu